Clubs and Societies

Photo of the Olney Sign in the Market Place

Find useful contact numbers for Clubs and Societies in and around Olney that you may need here.
Courtesy of Phonebox Magazine

Abbotswood Social Club
07871 195495

Boys Brigade
David Wright
01908 618898

Bedfordshire Railway & Transport Association
Simon Barber
020 8940 4399

Bedford Talking Newspaper for the Blind
David Mitchell
01234 218989

Bellringing - Emberton
Sheila Watts
01234 711113

Bell Ringing - Newport Pagnell
Doug Hird
01908 614741

Bridge Club - Emberton
David Partridge
01234 240061

Brooklands Centre
01908 614749

Cats Protection League
01908 318810

Churchwomen’s Guild
01234 241721

Cowper & Newton Museum
01234 711516

Emberton Clay Pigeon Club
01234 712123

Emberton & District Flower Club
Trish Brock
01234 712676

Emberton & District Riding Club
07513 216719

Emberton Park Sailing Club
Luke Fisher
01525 860220

Friends of Cobbs Garden Surgery
01234 490377

Friends of Wollaston Library
01933 665035

Girls’ Brigade
Sue Garnham
01908 618898

Lavendon Baby & Toddler
01234 717036

Lavendon Narrow
Gauge Railway (LNGR)

01234 712653

Lavendon Short Mat Bowls Club
Dorothy Biggs
01933 663558

Lavendon Womens Institute
Samantha Boon
01234 713515

Lavendon Royal British Legion
Rod Moore
01234 712666

Lovat Meadow Caravan Park
01908 610858

Milton Keynes & District Motor Club
David Brown
01234 714153

Multiple Sclerosis Milton Keynes Branch
Janet Draper
01908 239151

Milton Keynes Sub-aqua Club
07870 455981

Milton Keynes Wargames Society
Neil Sutherland
01908 615788

Nene Valley Aeromodellers
John Morse
01933 225057

Newport Pagnell Archers
01908 607191

New City Photographic Society
Jeff Watt
01908 610976

Newport Pagnell Badgers (St John’s Training)
Mark Lombardo
01908 614407

Newport Pagnell Bowls Club
Steve Goff
01908 613696

Newport Pagnell Bridge Club
Peter White
07880 694132

Newport Pagnell Christmas Lights
John Hooton
07852 721896

Newport Pagnell Cricket Club
Michael Broad
07917 564800

Newport Pagnell Disabled Swimming Club
Jackie Starkey
01908 639358

Newport Pagnell & Olney Lions Club
John Ferris
01234 712217

Newport Pagnell & District Probus Club
Brian Wilson
01234 712006

Newport Pagnell Singers
Pat Kearsley
01908 610623

Newport Pagnell Squash Club
Mark Beynon
01908 226428

Newport Pagnell Tennis Club
Mary Hartley
01908 605435

Newport Pagnell Rainbows,
Brownies & Guides

01908 616762

Newport Pagnell Rotary Club
01908 374833

Newport Pagnell Royal British Legion
Valerie Cressey
01908 613604

Newport Pagnell Women’s Institute
Evelyn Mison
01908 615630

Newport Pagnell Young Farmers
Tom Charge
07715 589854

Newport Pagnell Youth Club
01908 211701

Newport Pagnell Youth Football Club
Gail Edwards
01908 612795

North Crawley Bowls Club
John Kayne
01234 391435

Olney Allotment Holders Association
Elaine Herniman
07785 382921
Mike Totton
01234 712206

Olney Art Group
Peter Copping
01234 711023

Olney Bellringing
Charles Knight
01234 713719

Olney Bowling Club
Rory Macdonald
01234 712460

Olney Camera Club
01234 711657

Olney Carers Group
Liz Wogan
01234 712076

Olney NCT
0844 2436 234

Olney & Clifton Fishing Association
Kevin Lake
01234 713186

Olney & District Royal British Legion
Ann Adams
01908 551212

Olney & District Gardening Club
Mary Crouch
01234 711503

Olney & District Historical Society
Tom James
01234 711900

Olney & District Swap-a-Craft
Mavis Ashley
01234 241751

Olney Archaeological Society
Joan Norman
01234 711627

Olney Bridge Club
David Partridge
01234 240061

Olney Chamber of Trade
Kirsty Parish
07521 790284

Olney Jazz Club
Alan Haughton
01234 713831

Olney Shotokan Karate Club
Stephen Aldred
07591 286600

Olney Lace Circle
Mrs A. Demain
07753 351 879

Olney Ladies Badminton Club
Liz Sheaf
01234 711067

Olney Ladies Hockey Club
Jane D’ippolito
01234 713702

Olney Karate Club
J. Rafferty
01234 240331

Olney Model Railway Club
Malcolm Haynes
01234 241686

Olney Mothers & Wives Club
Janet Smith
01234 711839

Olney-Newton Link
Rachael Lintern
01234 711751

O (cont.)
Olney Pancake Race
Tony Evans
01234 711392

Olney Pathfinders Youth Group
Andrew & Susan Heron
01234 240874

Olney Players
Nicole Macdonald
01234 712460

Olney Running Club
07793 113413

Olney Senior Citizens Club
Diane Griffin
01234 712587

Olney Short Mat Bowls
Douglas Skull
01234 712832

Olney Surgery Patients Participation Group
Liz Wogan
01234 712076

Olney Table Tennis for over 50s
Lynda Batty
01234 712461

Olney Tennis Club
Anne Ball
01234 711936

Olney Town Colts
Ian Stokes
07738 951303

Olney Town Cricket Club
David Harrison
01234 345789

Olney Town Football Club
Andrew Baldwin
01234 712227

Olney Town Girls Football Club
Graham Cure
01234 714573

Olney Women’s Institute
Mrs A. Wood
01933 225319

Olney Youth Club
Charlene Carr
01234 711217

Pagnell Grange
League of Friends

01908 614435

RNLI (Lifeboats) Milton Keynes Branch
Rod Law
01908 551779

Sherington Shooting Centre
01908 610333

Tickford Shotokan Karate Club
Matt Breeds
01234 240174

Wollaston Bell Ringers
01933 666460

Wollaston Brownies
01933 664629

Wollaston Football Club
01933 663735

Wollaston Girls Brigade
01933 664616

Wollaston Heritage Society
07804 241430

Wollaston Women’s Institute
01933 663057

Clubs and Societies in alphabetical order

  • A
    Abbotswood Social Club
    07871 195495
  • B
    Boys Brigade
    David Wright
    01908 618898

    Bedfordshire Railway & Transport Association
    Simon Barber
    020 8940 4399

    Bedford Talking Newspaper for the Blind
    David Mitchell
    01234 218989

    Bellringing - Emberton
    Sheila Watts
    01234 711113

    Bell Ringing - Newport Pagnell
    Doug Hird
    01908 614741

    Bridge Club - Emberton
    David Partridge
    01234 240061

    Brooklands Centre
    01908 614749
  • C
    Cats Protection League
    01908 318810

    Churchwomen’s Guild
    01234 241721

    Cowper & Newton Museum
    01234 711516
  • D
    If you have a
    Club or Society
    in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • E
    Emberton Clay Pigeon Club
    01234 712123

    Emberton & District Flower Club
    Trish Brock
    01234 712676

    Emberton & District Riding Club
    07513 216719

    Emberton Park Sailing Club
    Luke Fisher
    01525 860220
  • F
    Friends of Cobbs Garden Surgery
    01234 490377

    Friends of Wollaston Library
    01933 665035
  • G
    Girls’ Brigade
    Sue Garnham
    01908 618898
  • H
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • I
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • J
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • K
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • L
    Lavendon Baby & Toddler
    01234 717036

    Lavendon Narrow
    Gauge Railway (LNGR)

    01234 712653

    Lavendon Short Mat Bowls Club
    Dorothy Biggs
    01933 663558

    Lavendon Womens Institute
    Samantha Boon
    01234 713515

    Lavendon Royal British Legion
    Rod Moore
    01234 712666

    Lovat Meadow Caravan Park
    01908 610858
  • M
    Milton Keynes & District Motor Club
    David Brown
    01234 714153

    Multiple Sclerosis Milton Keynes Branch
    Janet Draper
    01908 239151

    Milton Keynes Sub-aqua Club
    07870 455981

    Milton Keynes Wargames Society
    Neil Sutherland
    01908 615788
  • N
    Nene Valley Aeromodellers John Morse
    01933 225057

    Newport Pagnell Archers
    01908 607191

    New City Photographic Society
    Jeff Watt
    01908 610976

    Newport Pagnell Badgers (St John’s Training)
    Mark Lombardo
    01908 614407

    Newport Pagnell Bowls Club
    Steve Goff
    01908 613696

    Newport Pagnell Bridge Club
    Peter White
    07880 694132

    Newport Pagnell Christmas Lights
    John Hooton
    07852 721896

    Newport Pagnell Cricket Club
    Michael Broad
    07917 564800

    Newport Pagnell Disabled Swimming Club
    Jackie Starkey
    01908 639358

    Newport Pagnell & Olney Lions Club
    John Ferris
    01234 712217

    Newport Pagnell & District Probus Club
    Brian Wilson
    01234 712006

    Newport Pagnell Singers
    Pat Kearsley
    01908 610623

    Newport Pagnell Squash Club
    Mark Beynon
    01908 226428

    Newport Pagnell Tennis Club
    Mary Hartley
    01908 605435

    Newport Pagnell Rainbows,
    Brownies & Guides

    01908 616762

    Newport Pagnell Rotary Club
    01908 374833

    Newport Pagnell Royal British Legion
    Valerie Cressey
    01908 613604

    Newport Pagnell Women’s Institute
    Evelyn Mison
    01908 615630

    Newport Pagnell Youth Club
    01908 211701

    Newport Pagnell Youth Club
    01908 211701

    Newport Pagnell Youth Football Club
    Gail Edwards
    01908 612795

    North Crawley Bowls Club
    John Kayne
    01234 391435
  • O
    Olney Allotment Holders Association
    Elaine Herniman
    07785 382921
    Mike Totton
    01234 712206

    Olney Allotment Holders Association
    Elaine Herniman
    07785 382921
    Mike Totton
    01234 712206

    Olney Art Group
    Peter Copping
    01234 711023

    Olney Bellringing
    Charles Knight
    01234 713719

    Olney Bowling Club
    Rory Macdonald
    01234 712460

    Olney Camera Club
    01234 711657

    Olney Carers Group
    Liz Wogan
    01234 712076

    Olney NCT
    0844 2436 234

    Olney & Clifton Fishing Association
    Kevin Lake
    01234 713186

    Olney & District Royal British Legion
    Ann Adams
    01908 551212

    Olney & District Gardening Club
    Mary Crouch
    01234 711503

    Olney & District Historical Society
    Tom James
    01234 711900

    Olney & District Swap-a-Craft
    Mavis Ashley
    01234 241751

    Olney Archaeological Society
    Joan Norman
    01234 711627

    Olney Bridge Club
    David Partridge
    01234 240061

    Olney Chamber of Trade
    Kirsty Parish
    07521 790284

    Olney Jazz Club
    Alan Haughton
    01234 713831

    Olney Shotokan Karate Club
    Stephen Aldred
    07591 286600

    Olney Lace Circle
    Andrew Wood
    01234 711110

    Olney Ladies Badminton Club
    Liz Sheaf
    01234 711067

    Olney Ladies Hockey Club
    Jane D’ippolito
    01234 713702

    Olney Karate Club
    J. Rafferty
    01234 240331

    Olney Model Railway Club
    Malcolm Haynes
    01234 241686

    Olney Mothers & Wives Club
    Janet Smith
    01234 711839

    Olney-Newton Link
    Rachael Lintern
    01234 711751

    Olney Pancake Race
    Tony Evans
    01234 711392

    Olney Pathfinders Youth Group
    Andrew & Susan Heron
    01234 240874

    Olney Players
    Nicole Macdonald
    01234 712460

    Olney Running Club
    07793 113413

    Olney Senior Citizens Club
    Diane Griffin
    01234 712587

    Olney Short Mat Bowls
    Douglas Skull
    01234 712832

    Olney Surgery Patients Participation Group
    Liz Wogan
    01234 712076

    Olney Table Tennis for over 50s
    Lynda Batty
    01234 712461

    Olney Tennis Club
    Anne Ball
    01234 711936

    Olney Town Colts
    Ian Stokes
    07738 951303

    Olney Town Cricket Club
    David Harrison
    01234 345789

    Olney Town Football Club has now ceased
    Andrew Baldwin
    01234 712227

    Olney Town Girls Football Club
    Graham Cure
    01234 714573

    Olney Women’s Institute
    Mrs A. Wood
    01933 225319

    Olney Youth Club
    Charlene Carr
    01234 711217

  • P
    Pagnell Grange
    League of Friends

    01908 614435
  • Q
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • R
    RNLI (Lifeboats) Milton Keynes Branch
    Rod Law
    01908 551779
  • S
    Sherington Shooting Centre
    01908 610333
  • T
    Tickford Shotokan Karate Club
    Matt Breeds
    01234 240174
  • U
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • V
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • W
    Wollaston Bell Ringers
    01933 666460

    Wollaston Brownies
    01933 664629
    Wollaston Football Club
    01933 663735

    Wollaston Girls Brigade
    01933 664616

    Wollaston Heritage Society
    07804 241430

    Wollaston Women’s Institute
    01933 663057
  • X
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298
  • Y & Z
    If you have a club or society in this category please get in contact:
    01234 713298

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