The Olney Pancake Race 2023

Photo of the Olney Sign in the Market Place

Here we have a brief look at the Olney Pancake Race in 2023.
Next year's Pancake Race is already being planned.

Olney Pancake Race

Olney Pancake Race is held in Olney every year In February. This year it took place on February 21st and Eloise Kramer took Olney to victory in both the local race and the international race with Liberal in Kansas.

Olney pancake race start

Olney Pancake Race

Olney Pancake race usually takes place early in the year, in February or even March, Olney is twinned with Liberal in the USA and competes with them each year.

Pictured left is a picture of the start from several years ago.

The double-page spread (below) in Phonebox Magazine can be clicked on and will take you to the article on the web. More pictures are available to view on Facebook and we have a few below for you also.

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Eloise pictured above at the end of the race, still with her frying pan and first place certificate.

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    The start of the race and the contestants are off

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The Olney Pancake Race 2022

Photo of the Olney Sign in the Market Place

Here we have a brief look at the Olney Pancake Race in 2022
Our Facebook Page has loads of pics

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